Neighborhood Watch
Neighborhood Watch - Neighbors Looking Out for Neighbors
Crime can create a climate of concern and can lower the quality of life for you and your neighbors. A Neighborhood Watch is a powerful force against crime.
By uniting with your neighbors, you can take back your neighborhood. A Neighborhood Watch creates a network of people who work with the Sheriff's Office to spot problems and report crime. Neighborhood Watch members work with Community Policing Officers to stay informed about what is going on in and around their neighborhood.
There are many Neighborhood Watch groups established throughout the county. Click on the map below to see a full-sized interactive map set up by the Charlotte County Community Development Department of Neighborhood Watch groups. See if there is a Watch group for your area.
If your neighborhood doesn't have an established group, maybe you want to start one. Contact the Sheriff's Office Crime Prevention Unit to help you get your group up and running. They will provide your group with statistics and crime prevention tips, and share information on how to spot and report suspicious activity safely.