Traffic Detail
Special Traffic Enforcement
Jun 29, 2018 - The top crash locations for Charlotte County are currently:
Tamiami Trail/Cochran Blvd Tamiami Trail/Harbor Blvd
District 1 (Englewood Area) experienced a 12% decrease in crashes, and did not have a "High Crash Intersection" this week! District 4 (primarily Punta Gorda) saw a 41% decrease in crashes this week, due to a significant drop in accidents on the interstate.
A location for speed enforcement will also be identified weekly. This week's focus will be on Tamiami Trail from SR 776 to the Peace River bridges.
We encourage drivers to take extra precautions in these areas; don't text and drive, and stay alert for other distracted drivers. Increasing safety on our roadways is a team effort!
Return to the traffic advisory listings.